Showing posts with label feng shui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feng shui. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Newsletter - Impawsible to Resist

March news:

I've decided to try out a new service this month. The service provides a spam free, secure process for publishing newsletters and ecourses to subscribers for a small fee. I'm trying out the service this month and am now able to offer you the following goodies.

Healthy Chocolate - a monthly newsletter about guilt-free, diabetic and vegan friendly dark chocolate. In the first issue, learn 22 reasons why we should all consider adding dark chocolate to our diets. Read what Health Canada has to say about Xocai dark chocolate in particular. Sign up to host a chocolate tasting - wherever you are located in Canada, the USA, Australia, Jaspan or United Kingdom.

Living Green - an 8 week free ecourse with tips on reducing your carbon footprint on the planet.

These are available now as I beta test the service. If it works out, more will follow including monthly newsletters on Reiki, Alternative Healing, Pets & Vets, Feng Shui, Life Coach, Hypnotherapy, Travel and Green Tips. Leave a comment on this post if these or other topics are of interest to you.

To subscribe, please go to the subscription box at the top right hand corner of Mau's blog. You'll be able to choose between the topics now available. Choose one, choose all.

Anyone subscribing during this beta testing phase (ends March 20th) may select and aceo print of their choice from my Etsy shop -

Thank you so much!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Feng Shui – The Colours of Feng Shui

The Colours of Feng Shui


Black is the colour of mystery. It also provides protection. It symbolizes nighttime when it gets dark, and it also represents an empty space. Even with that, it provides intensity to any area. If it is used often, it can translate into a heavy atmosphere. Black is also used to provide strength.

This colour can be used in the East, North and Southeast. It should not be used in the South. It can be used in a child’s bedroom, but not a lot. It can also be used in the common areas of your home.

If you’re trying to attract career opportunities, it can be used in the North area of anyone’s space. Black can be combined with white to be used on furniture.


The colour brown is used in the East, Southeast and the South. The energy from this colour provides plenty of nourishment. It can be associated with different foods and drinks, such as chocolate and coffee.

Brown can also be used for the common areas of your home. You shouldn’t use much of the colour Brown for a child’s bedroom or the Southwest area. If there is too much of the colour in an area, it may cause people not to take a step forward.


This colour represents revival and a fresh start. Green provides nourishment and keeps peace in your life. When incorporated with Feng Shui, you should use different versions of green, instead of just one.

You can use plants that have fresh foliage. Green is also known to provide healing. It can be used more so in the South, East and Southeast areas.

There are different versions of this colour that can be used in Feng Shui.


When the colours for Feng Shui are used in the right format, your environment will be the recipient of good Feng Shui energy. The colour red contributes to the Fire Element to provide energy.

Fire can be considered as a creative aspect and a destructive aspect. Fire is a symbol for sun and life and energy that comes from it. With this Element in your home, you can experience happiness and a desire to be sexually fulfilled.

Red also represents passion and celebration. The Chinese use the colour red for happiness and luck. In India, the colour red is use for marriage and weddings, and in the West, the colour red stands for romance and courage.

When people decorate, the colour red is used for richness. Careful consideration has to be implemented not to use too much red. Otherwise, it can provoke anger and excessive stimulation.

With Feng Shui, red can be used in children’s bedrooms with caution. It can also be used in the common areas of the home, such as the dining and living rooms and the kitchen area.

In the East, Southeast, West and Northwest areas of your home, you can use the colour red, but you are limited to how much you should use. Red is a perfect candidate to use in the South.


Orange has been nicknamed the “social” colour. Orange is responsible for providing the energy from Feng Shui to engage in spirited conversations and to have good feelings in your home. When the winter season approaches, it can be a reminder of the summer season. Log fires also come into play with the colour of orange.

Just like red represents fire, so does orange. It is not a good colour for the areas of the West and Northwest. In addition to that, this colour should not be seen in the East and Southeast.
These areas are controlled by other elements of Feng Shui.

Orange can be used for the common areas, such as the living and dining rooms, kitchen, and anywhere else where the environment can have action and lots of energy. It’s a good idea to have some Feng Shui products or accessories.

Since orange is considered a soft and warm colour, it is easy to incorporate with Feng Shui. It is a beautiful sight to see as a sunset. It enhances the rooms and makes them stand out.


Don’t overuse the colour purple. This colour is very strong, and has a relationship with the spirit. It is not recommended for use on the wall. It can however, be used in a space where meditation is taking place. If you use this colour at home, be very moderate about using it. You can use lighter colours. It can be used in the East South and West areas, with limitations.

A good way for the colour purple to be implemented is to use the Feng Shui crystal Amethyst.


The colour of love is pink. It can also be used to keep the energy calm. It also works to quiet the heart and provide it with lots of love. This colour is used mostly in the Southwest area. It also is in line with marriage. When decorating, a soft pink is used. When there is hot and heavy energy, hot pink is used.

Pink is great to use for a bedroom of a little girl; what little girl wouldn’t want that colour? Ok, there may be some, but they’re probably few and far between. There are several common combinations of pink that include pink and black and pink and green. Pink and green represents activity. Pink and black represents a retro style.

With Feng Shui, rose quartz crystals can be used for love. The crystals are a soft pink that soothes the soul.


The colour yellow reminds people of the sun. It can brighten up any space and provides an inviting atmosphere. You have many choices to choose from when it comes to yellow. This colour is a better choice for a child’s bedroom and the family room.

If you have a dull looking room, using the colour yellow will provide it with lots of light. It provides the Fire Element, but in a softer format than the colour Red does. It is easier to deal with on a larger scale. Yellow can also be used to provide self-esteem. If you use hot yellow, don’t use too much of it. Yellow can be used in the East and Southeast areas.


Gray is usually considered as a dull colour that doesn’t have much life. However, there is a shade of gray (noble gray) that is considered a little more upbeat than the regular colour. Gray is used in the West, Northwest and North areas of Ba-Gua.

It should not be used too much in the East and Southeast. Wood is the dominant Element in those areas. Believe it or not, gray can provide Feng Shui energy into most of the common areas in your home.

It can provide a clear focus to any space in your home. Gray also represents the energy of the Metal Element.


The colour white represents Yoga rituals. With Feng Shui, it stands for quietness and innocence. It also stands for beginnings and endings. It has a clean and fresh focus. It can be used for Feng Shui purposes anywhere in your home.

In the East and Southeast, it’s not a good idea to use all white. You can use other colours to blend in with it.

You can have white space in your bathroom or mediation room. This will help with healing in your home. It can also provide possibilities never explored before along with a promising future.


Blue represents the clear skies and waters. It can be used in the East and Southeast of anyone’s space. Since blue is connected with Water, the energy is responsible for supplying nourishment to the Wood Element. It can also be use for decoration or art.

Blue can also be used as a colour for ceilings. It’s been noted that students did better in their studies when they have a blue ceiling.

For harmony, a light blue colour would work well. For peace and quiet, a dark blue colour would work better. A deep blue colour can be implemented in your bedroom to help you get to sleep.

For the South, West and Northwest areas, deep blue should not be utilized much. Blue and white colours can be combined to provide energy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Feng Shui – Tips To Enhance & Harmonize Any Home Or Business Part 2

Methods Of Feng Shui

Some of the methods are easy to use; however, when it comes to the main part of it, it can take several years to get the hang of it. Learning Feng Shui is not as easy as people may like to think it to be.

For this type of setting, you should always start from the beginning with the basics, then move your way up. It makes it easy for you and others to follow along. Then you can make gradual steps to the advanced phases of Feng Shui. To get you started, here are some things that you can implement:

Air and light of good quality – You should have this in your home in order to master the Feng Shui principles. You can benefit from having good Chi when you incorporate both of them.

In order to operate this principle, it’s a good idea to allow natural light into your home. The windows should be open on a frequent basis. If you’re a plant lover, invest in some air purifying plants for Feng Shui.

Ba-Gua – Use the compass to activate the energy map in your home. When you connect with your Ba-Gua, you will find out which areas or rooms in your home are connected with the Feng Shui concepts.

Get rid of clutter – You should discard everything that doesn’t mean anything to you or reminds you of bad events or feelings in your life. If you have a lot of clutter, all of it can’t be removed overnight.

After it’s done, you will feel like a heavy burden has been removed from your shoulders. This is a very important thing to do because you will have a release of stress and negative energies. It will also be easier for you to move on to the next phase.

Five Elements – Becp,e familiar with the five elements of Feng Shui. For certain areas, some elements will need to be stronger. This depends on what you’re trying to attract in your life. It also depends on what area of your home you’re looking to implement Feng Shui.

Birth Element – Wood and Fire are considered elements and along with that you will need a colour to correspond with the elements. In addition to that, you will need to incorporate shapes to match the element and colour for Feng Shui.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feng Shui – Tips To Enhance & Harmonize Any Home Or Business Part 1

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese practice that involves art and science. It has been around for thousands of years. The practice utilizes the laws of heaven and earth to help people balance their energies within a space. This is to help them receive good fortune and health.

The word “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. Therefore Feng Shui means “wind water”. The local Chinese people place wind that is gentle and water that is clear in one setting. It is intended to represent good health and harvest.

The art of Feng Shui is based on the belief that the land includes Chi. Chi represents life-force energy. Back in ancient times, the local Chinese people claimed that the energy of the land was either good or bad.

Feng Shui stems from the Taoist ideals about nature. Taoism deals with religious and philosophical beliefs. Taoism has a strong influence in Asia.

Taoism is also responsible for birthing the concepts of yin and yang. Yin and yang deal with opposite aspects of a phenomenon or the act of comparing two phenomena. They represent quality in regard to correspondences which are found in most areas of Chinese science and philosophy. An example of this would be ancient Chinese medicine.

There are five main elements are in Feng Shui. When doing a Feng Shui analysis of a space the Compass and the Ba-Gua are used. The Ba-Gua is a grid that is created in the shape of an octagon.

This grid has symbols of the I Ching. In fact, Feng Shui is based on this premise. In order for you to connect the areas of your home in accord with Feng Shui, you need to understand the concept of Ba-Gua.

The compass, also known as “lo-pan”, works to provide additional information about a facility. The magnetic needle is surrounded by concentric rings that are strategically placed. The word “lo” means everything and “pan” means bowl. Lo-pan is used to open the mysteries of the universe.

When learning Feng Shui, you have to start off at the basic level in order for you to understand the entire process. After you have a good understanding Feng Shui on the basic level, you will achieve phenomenal results. The results will affect how you perceive Feng Shui. You will want to use it on a regular basis in your home and your business.

When engaged with Feng Shui, you will need to obtain certain ‘cures’ in order to have a better life. There are different things that can be used to achieve this. Here are five of them:

• Aquariums

• Fountains

• Crystals

• Colors

• Clocks